Friday, August 15, 2008

Tuesday Musing #16


There are many different events at the Olympics.

You must create a new event that you would be the best at so that you could take home the GOLD.

What is your event?

Ok, I was reading the email from Kristin and Summer had a suggestion right away, then when I told Stan about it over the phone, he knew what his answer was immediately, so I am letting my family do the work for me this week.

Here are their (sort of) answers -

Naomi ran away when I tried to ask her.

And Michael had just about the same answer. He said, “I don’t want to tell you.”

Kelly said, “Buying things.” Oh, yeah, I'm good at that!

Gwen said, “Dodgeball.” I played in the parent/child game on the last day of her Recreational Games sports class.

Heather said, “I don’t know.”

Rachel said, “Making brownies.” Here is our family's favorite recipe for brownies.

Summer said, “Finding excuses to not let your teenage daughter go to the mall.” I don't know if I would classify my reasons as excuses.

And finally, Stan's answer. He said, “You can’t blog about that!”

So...I guess that means this post is done!


Tim & Alyssa said...

Uncle Stan's answer seems kinda fishy.... hmmmm. :) But sharing brownie recipes is good.. though dangerous. (How many Healthy Choice brownies can I eat before they're no longer a healthy choice?)